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Latest News from Radio Halton

Head over to the Interviews page to listen to Kathy McMullin’s latest interviews with the Alzeimers Society in December and Change Grow Live in January. 

As March contains 5 Mondays, Dave Cooper has 3 Classic Rock Shows lined up for you this month. Make sure you put these dates in your diary – 3rd,  17th and 31st March, all shows broadcasting between 7pm and 8pm.

Kathy McMullin and Healthwatch Halton will be speaking to a representative from the Autism Wellbeing Project on Wednesday 26 February between 12:00 and 14:00.

Radio Halton have a few more interviews lined up for you in March and April.  Our very own Derek Gates is going to be very busy. On March 6th, he will be speaking to Tracy, from the Halton Haven Hospice, about their Arctic Challenge. Derek will also be chatting to The Man in the Pink Tutu on March 12th, about his latest charity work. Tom Byrne from ‘Dad Matters’ will be interviewed by Derek on 19th March. Finally, on 2nd April, Derek will be talking to Paula Parle from Active Halton, about all the latest walks and classes that Active Halton organise. Times of all these interviews will follow shortly.

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I look forward to John's weekly visit to the ward. He's always so happy and friendly to everyone and I get to request my favourite tracks
I find it somewhat comforting listening to Radio Halton, whilst waiting for my regular clinic appointments. Great music guys
Out Patient
Good to hear local presenters on the radio. Radio Halton plays a broad selection of music, including my favourites Abba and The Beatles

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