It’s widely accepted that music can be invaluable in managing pain relief and promoting health by speeding recovery and boosting immunity. See details, together with medical references here
The idea actually goes back 3,000 years, to when King Saul was ill and asked David to play the harp to make him feel better –
– check it out in 1 Samuel chapter 16 verse 23:
” From then on, whenever the evil spirit sent by God came on Saul, David would get his harp and play it. The evil spirit would leave, and Saul would feel better and be all right again”
BBC News reported in August 2015 that “Listening to music before, during and after an operation can help reduce pain.” An analysis of data found evidence that people who listened to music had reduced anxiety and were less likely to request pain relief
There are no known negative effects of listening to music, and you would be expected to be free to listen to personal music before a surgical procedure (for example while waiting to be taken to the operating theatre) or when recovering on the ward after. And if you find music helps you relax in these situations, it must be a good thing
More information about this research can be found on the NHS website here