
Derek Gates spoke to Rachel McKernan and Cherry Bhimagunta from Age Concern Mid Mersey  in July 2024. Learn about the ways in which Age Concern Mid Mersey are helping and supporting people that are aged 50+. To learn more visit

Derek Gates spoke to Emma, a specialist therapist for Lymphoedema. Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this condition. Go to>conditions>lymphoedema to learn more.

Derek Gates spoke to Kathy McMullin, Community Outreach Lead for Healthwatch Halton. Healthwatch Halton is your local health and social care champion, ensuring your views are heard by NHS leaders and decision makers, in order to improve care. Visit to learn more.

In January 2024, Derek Gates spoke to Stephanie from United Utilities about how their Priority Services Scheme was helping and supporting people in the Northwest. Visit their website at

In April 2024, Derek Gates spoke to Simon Contable, the outgoing CEO of Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Trust. Simon discussed the plans for the Halton Hospital site particularly with relation to Planned Care.